Welcome to E5 battery store!

Our company sells batteries, chargers, rechargable batteries. To date, many sellers sell batteries that do not meet the stated parameters (like 90% on aliexpress). When you order with us, you get what is stated without unpleasant surprises. Moreover: at a great price. The main part of goods is in our warehouse and we will send it out within 2 days (usually on the same day).

We are not just resellers, we know our product.

The terms "discharge current", "BMS", "spot welding" are not an abstraction for us, but our working terminology. This is part of our daily work. You can always ask a clarifying question about our products and services and we will be happy to answer you. You have the opportunity to order battery assembly according to your parameters. We collect batteries by spot welding, from batteries and nickel plates. We also repair batteries for power tools - after all, replacing batteries is much cheaper than buying a whole new battery.
Write to us if the desired battery is not in our store, we will try to find it for you.

We respect the opinions of our customers and value their time.

Every day we strive to make our product range and service better in order to meet your needs and expectations.